Блог вчителя англійської мови Ніколаєнко Євгенії Володимирівни: Praise: building rapport

субота, 28 жовтня 2017 р.

Praise: building rapport

Praise is extremely important. However, it has to be for real. Students know very quickly if you're not telling the truth. And giving out praise on a regular basis for the sake of giving out praise is very much the wrong approach for a teacher.

A teacher should be very honest to kids. They know when you're being honest, and they really appreciate it. So if you do give praise, students have to know it's been well earned, and they will really respond to it. On the other hand, if you start giving out praise for the little things, you can end up undermining what you're saying.

And many teachers get into a habit of repeating things, and the kids end up, not listening, and it loses any meaning. So if a teacher really wants them to accept the praise, it has to be used more carefully. And it should be given, when it's been well-earned. And people respect it, especially the older kids. They really like praise to be for real. And this is important for every teacher to remember. 

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