Блог вчителя англійської мови Ніколаєнко Євгенії Володимирівни: Exercises In, On, At – Prepositions of Place

вівторок, 17 жовтня 2017 р.

Exercises In, On, At – Prepositions of Place

1. Use AT, IN or ON.
1) I always keep some money ____ my bag. 2) She will read it ____ home. 3) Do you live ____ a house or a flat? 4) Did you learn English Great Britain? 5) She grew up ____a farm. 6) She will read about it ____ a newspaper. 7) Jane swam ____ the river. 8) The girl is playing ____ the carpet. 9) I was ____ the party too. 10) I am always ____ work in the afternoon. 11) Where is Bill? He is ____ school. 12) Please put these plums ____ a bowl. 13) Jack is standing ____ the bus stop. 14) We’ll meet you ____ the cinema. 15) There is nothing ____ TV tonight.

2. Translate into English.
По телебаченню, у літаку, на концерті, у лікаря, у школі, за столом, ліворуч, біля вікна, за партою, у парку, на вулиці, у автобусі, на конференції, біля дверей, у човні.

3. Complete the sentences. Use IN, AT or ON.
  1. He lives ____ Clifton Street.
  2. He lives ____ 33 Clifton Street.
  3. His flat is ____ the second floor.
  4. Carlos lives ____ Barcelona.
  5. I live ____ Main Street.
  6. I live ____109 Main Street.
  7. Gary Clench lives ____ Brighton.

4. Correct the mistakes. 
1) London is in the river Thames.
2) Why do you wear that ring at your first finger?
3) Can you see that man on the picture?
4) She is in home.
5) They are sitting on the table.
6) The clothes are at the closet.
7) She is sitting on the armchair.
8) He is on Africa now.
9) The books are in the shelf.

10)She likes riding at her horse.

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